Each soldier of the occupying army is issued such a first aid kit. I don’t know how long a Russian soldier can survive on the battlefield with any injury using such a kit… It doesn’t look very practical in modern conditions.This exhibit is not the only one in our collection and they are all of the same type in terms of contents. We are happy about that – it is a great supply of first aid for our enemies.

Iron is our love. Just like polished brass. When iron is polished to a glass-like state, it becomes something incredible. One of these shells (the black one) is from our […]

GRAU index 6B26 Kevlar helmet designated 6B26. Panfilov wore this helmet. It is a fairly rare example of the initial development of aramid helmets at the Steel Scientific Research Institute. […]

They say that officers of the Russian army wear such caps. Judging by the number of these caps that our military friends have passed on to us, they had a […]

This portable surface-to-air missile system, the Igla (GRAU index 9K38, NATO reporting name SA-18 Grouse), is a legend of the Soviet Union. It was developed over 10 years and entered […]