Anti-Tank 4 (HEAT) Firstly, it’s a beautiful weapon. It looks very technological and impressive. We didn’t have such weapons before the war, but then our allies and friends helped us […]

Anti-Tank 4 (CS AST) Firstly, this grenade launchers looks good. It looks very technological and impressive. Before the war, we didn’t have anything like it, but then our allies and […]

We really into this rocket launcher. It is made of duralumin and feels comfortable to hold. The RPG-75 is a Czechoslovakian disposable handheld anti-tank rocket launcher designed to combat tanks, […]

This grenade launcher is a legend and can be talked about for hours.It’s powerful, effective, and reliably destroys enemy vehicles on the fields of Ukraine. If it hits its target, […]

JAVELIN (FGM 148) This grenade launcher is a legend and can be talked about for hours. It’s powerful, effective, and reliably destroys enemy vehicles on the fields of Ukraine. If […]

Our warriors say that the RGW 90 MATADOR is one of the best rocket launchers, especially in urban combat conditions. It is lightweight, powerful, and highly accurate in hitting targets. […]

German Panzerfaust 3. It’s a very nice and symbolic weapon for us. It was developed in 1978 by the German company Dynamit Nobel AG, and it does its job for […]

M72 LAW EC Mk1 This grenade launcher is such a legend in the United States, just like the Javelin. It’s powerful, functional, and it reliably destroys enemy vehicles in the […]

M72 LAW A6 This grenade launcher is such a legend in the United States, just like the Javelin. It’s powerful, functional, and reliably destroys enemy vehicles in the fields of […]

M72 LAW A7 This grenade launcher is such a legend in the United States, just like the Javelin. It’s powerful, functional, and it reliably destroys enemy vehicles in the fields […]
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