This work is symbolic. When we received the snail from the AGS-17 ‘Flame,’ the idea to create a sculpture emerged. The box for incendiary rounds, resembling a snail’s shell and sharing the same name, will become part of our future artwork.
In my childhood, I was fascinated by the books of science fiction writer Harry Harrison. Particularly memorable was his book about a deadly planet where every living creature, every plant, sought to destroy what was foreign to that world. Everything functioned as a single organism in the annihilation of the enemy.
War engaged us fully in the pursuit of destroying the foe. Everything breathed as one—to eliminate the stranger who arrived armed. Even the snails, to whom the enemy was equally repugnant, adorned themselves with armored shells.
Our snail emerged splendid, smiling, and positive.
S/N: 00007smblAOW

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