40 mm grenade Box Standard NATO ammunition box for storing 40-millimeter grenades, with a capacity of 30 pieces. It is airtight, very convenient, and reliable, just like everything made to NATO standards. God bless America!
We enjoy working with these boxes and creating interesting things out of them. We can make something nice for you too.
If you want to read about these 40mm grenades, you can find more information here:

I had been searching for something like this for a long time. I knew it existed, but I couldn’t believe that I would be able to hold something like this […]

We have in our collection boxes for storing 12.7mm cartridges for the heavy machine gun DShK. This machine gun was adopted by the Soviet army in 1939 and was subsequently […]

This lightweight anti-tank rocket complex is a true gem of our trophy museum. We were given not only the tube itself but also a model of the rocket, which was […]

JAVELIN (FGM 148) This grenade launcher is a legend and can be talked about for hours. It’s powerful, effective, and reliably destroys enemy vehicles on the fields of Ukraine. If […]