Simply put, it’s the tail of a mine. There are many of these in Ukraine and they fly towards the enemy and occupier.
We can make an interesting exhibit for you from these mine tails.

They say that officers of the Russian army wear such earflap hats. Judging by the number of these hats that our military friends have passed on to us, they had […]

In our collection of trophies, we have a tactical vest 6Sh117. It appeared in the Russian army in 2015 as part of the Ratnik combat gear. This gear was first […]

SET №3 «Cold autumn 22» Presented for your attention is a set of trendy military uniform from the collection “Autumn 2022” of the Russian army. Everything is clean and doesn’t […]

This is a steering wheel from a KAMAZ truck that survived the destruction of the vehicle. It’s a living exhibit. The enemy didn’t steer in the right direction and drove […]