Magazines for the Dragunov sniper rifle (SVD). The ammunition feeding during shooting is done from a box magazine with a capacity of 10 rounds. Such original magazines are part of our collection.
To learn more about the rifle, you can read about it in Ukrainian here:
Or in English here:

Body armor plates 5А The most interesting among the armor plates from the Ratnik kit are the “Granit” plates, which meet the 5A standard and are a source of pride […]

GRAU index 6B47 Kevlar helmet under the index 6B47. The helmet of the occupant “Niko” with damages. The 6B47 helmet is the only military armored helmet of the Russian army […]

The RShG-2″Aglen-2″ (Reactive Grenade Launcher, GRAU index 6G31) is a Russian disposable rocket launcher. It was developed by the NVO “Basalt” based on the RPG-26 “Aglen” and in parallel with […]

In our trophy collection, we have a raid backpack 6Sh118. It appeared in the Russian army in 2015 as part of the Ratnik general-purpose kit. This kit was first introduced […]