This is a standard classic NATO ammunition box used for storing ammunition and other useful military items. It is airtight, very convenient, and reliable, just like everything made to NATO standards. God bless America!
We really enjoy working with these boxes and making interesting things out of them. We can make a great item for you too.

This is a unique trophy from the war in Ukraine. These are license plates from a KAMAZ truck, and a technical passport for this vehicle has also been preserved. It […]

They say that officers of the Russian army wear such earflap hats. Judging by the number of these hats that our military friends have passed on to us, they had […]

The steel helmet SSh-68M with the index 6B14 is a further development of the 1968 helmet model. In the 1990s, aramid materials (essentially Kevlar) became popular, which were then researched […]

Fragments of war (122mm) There are much war debris like this in Ukraine. Pieces of machinery, rockets, weapons… They are everywhere that the Russian occupiers have been. I have thought […]