M72 LAW tube

M72 LAW tube This is a very nice plastic tube for storing an RPG M72 LAW. 

You could talk about this grenade launcher for hours because it’s as much a legend of the USA as Javelin. It’s cool, it works, and it reliably destroys enemy equipment in the fields of Ukraine.

The M72 LAW (M72 Light Anti-Tank Weapon) is an American anti-tank rocket that has been in service with the US Armed Forces since 1963 and in the armies of many other countries. The anti-tank grenade was developed to replace outdated American anti-tank weapons: the M31 HEAT rifle grenade and the M20A1 Super Bazooka hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher in the early 1950s.

This grenade launcher has been used in most world conflicts since 1963. It’s a great and effective thing. Nowadays, there are over 10 modifications of this grenade launcher. It’s supplied to us in a nice tube, with instructions for use. 

And from them, you can create beautiful things in the Art of War style that you will definitely like. It could be something related to the grenade launcher itself.

You can see how this grenade launcher works here: 

English Wikipedia page for the M72 LAW: 


Ukrainian Wikipedia page for the M72 LAW: 


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