In our collection, we have an exclusive item, an artillery tablet used by the occupiers’ artillerymen to calculate the work of their artillery.
We could not find anything similar in the open network; Google finds something under the designation NPL, which is a knee pad for pilots. But we decided that such a tablet is more suitable for artillerymen
A beautiful, interesting, and atmospheric thing from the 2022 war.
This unique trophy can become yours in the collection of Russian war items in Ukraine in 2022 and transformed by our project into art.

Iron is our love. Just like polished brass. Polished iron to the state of glass is something incredible. This is a short, small casing from a 125mm tank shell. We […]

Everyone knows about the RPG-7. It’s like the Coca-Cola of the world of weapons. There’s probably no action movie where this rocket launcher doesn’t make an appearance. It was introduced […]

Magazines for the AK-12 (Kalashnikov rifle). Such original magazines are part of our collection. The AK-12 or 6P70 is a Kalashnikov rifle model introduced in 2012. The first prototype was […]

Fragments of war (122mm) There are much war debris like this in Ukraine. Pieces of machinery, rockets, weapons… They are everywhere that the Russian occupiers have been. I have thought […]