A fine tube from an artillery compass. It has reliable clasps and is a wonderful exhibit and an opportunity for creativity in various styles of its use by the masters of our project.

The country of the terrorists is developing its defense industry. If at the beginning of the war, we observed enemy soldiers wearing steel helmets from the 1968 model, now (in […]

JAVELIN (FGM 148) This grenade launcher is a legend and can be talked about for hours. It’s powerful, effective, and reliably destroys enemy vehicles on the fields of Ukraine. If […]

This is a nice tube from a German Panzerfaust 3 rocket launcher. The German Panzerfaust 3 is very symbolic for us. Developed in 1978 by the German company Dynamit Nobel […]

The country of the terrorists is developing its defense industry. If at the beginning of the war, we observed enemy soldiers wearing steel helmets from the 1968 model, now (in […]