German Panzerfaust 3. It’s a very nice and symbolic weapon for us. It was developed in 1978 by the German company Dynamit Nobel AG, and it does its job for 100%.
This is a rare rocket launcher in the fields of Ukraine, but we would like to repeat that it is very symbolic us.
It’s really satisfying to watch Panzerfausts destroy Putin’s dictatorship tanks. The grandfathers of Putin and his slaves would turn in their graves if they knew what their children were doing on Soviet Union tanks in Ukraine and that they were being destroyed by German Panzerfausts in the hands of brave Ukrainian soldiers. “We can do it again” sounds pleasant in this case.
The rocket launcher tube itself doesn’t pose any danger, as it has already been used in combat and has been handed over to us to be turned into art.
We enjoy working with this rocket launcher and creating interesting things from it. We can create an interesting item for you as well.
Here’s a great story from one of our soldiers about this rocket launcher:
About the Panzerfaust 3 in English:
About the Panzerfaust 3 in Ukrainian:
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