RPG-22 “Netto” (GRAU index – 6G18) is a recoilless anti-tank grenade. It is a disposable weapon adopted by the Soviet Army in 1979, and a large number of them have been produced since then.
In 1979, seven years after the adoption of the “Mukha” grenade, the RPG-22 “Netto” was provided for field trials. The appearance of the new model was due to the insufficient armor penetration of the RPG-18 (Mukha) at that time, and the need to create a one-time use grenade launcher with a single-tube design.
The launcher of the RPG-22 system is a thin-walled tube with a telescopic attachment designed to extend the barrel of the tube in combat.
While not very effective in terms of range, it is interesting because it can be used to create cool things. We make cool dragons out of these tubes.
The grenade launcher tube is not dangerous and has already been tested by our soldiers in combat operations. It was handed over to us to transform into art. We can make an interesting piece for you.
For more information about the RPG-22, please visit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPG-22 (English)
https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A0%D0%9F%D0%93-22 (Ukrainian)

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