This is a standard pouch for two magazines from a sniper rifle SVD. There’s nothing more to add – this pouch is part of the equipment of the Russian military occupant.

Fragments of war (122mm) There are much war debris like this in Ukraine. Pieces of machinery, rockets, weapons… They are everywhere that the Russian occupiers have been. I have thought […]

The 7.62mm Kalashnikov machine gun was adopted in 1961 as the only machine gun of the Soviet Armed Forces. In 1969, the machine gun underwent modernization and was renamed the […]

When we started working with war trophies and artifacts in Ukraine, we found prayer belts among the belongings of the occupiers. It seems that these prayer belts are issued to […]

In our collection of trophies, we have a 6B45 body armor. It appeared in the Russian army in 2015 as part of the Ratnik infantry combat system. This system was […]