This is a steering wheel from a KAMAZ truck that survived the destruction of the vehicle. It’s a living exhibit. The enemy didn’t steer in the right direction and drove straight into our positions.
Now this item is part of our collection and will delight you with what our masters will turn it into.
For us, it’s a wonderful exhibit and an opportunity for creativity in different styles of use by the masters of our project.
GRAU index 6B7-1М Kevlar helmet under the index 6B7-1M. This helmet was introduced in 2006 as a general-purpose military helmet (early versions and until 2013, although it is reported that […]
The standard pouches used by the occupiers in the war in Ukraine.
A fine tube from an artillery compass. It has reliable clasps and is a wonderful exhibit and an opportunity for creativity in various styles of its use by the masters […]
Defensive Helmet 1 – that’s its name. It’s a very rare helmet in Ukraine. Russia started producing it in the mid-1990s and continues to do so today. This particular helmet […]